Katrina Filewood

Katrina Filewood is an Aboriginal Liaison Officer at Fairfield Hospital within the South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD). As a Wiradjuri and Yorta Yorta woman, Katrina leverages her cultural heritage and extensive expertise to drive impactful outcomes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and community engagement. Katrina is a registered Counsellor with the…

Ronda Thompson

Mrs Ronda Thompson is a Research Assistant for School of Medicine, Western Sydney University (WSU) and Lead Community Activator for the Western Sydney University Pasifika Preventing Diabetes Programme. She leads her team in delivering a community framework that is maximising community participation in research, while bridging relationships for stakeholder support, education and health services that…

Associate Professor Joyce Siette

Associate Professor Joyce Siette is a health services researcher whose mission is to contribute to reducing population-wide dementia risk and cognitive impairment through effective and acceptable dementia prevention public health approaches. As the Research Theme Fellow in Health and Wellbeing at Western Sydney University and Lead for Brain health Hub, she is dedicated to translating…

Maryanne Harris and Daniel Hillyer

Maryanne Harris and Daniel Hillyer co-founded RoboFit after Daniel’s life-changing spinal cord injury in 2010. Motivated by the desire to explore and leverage emerging technologies that encourage neuroplasticity, they launched RoboFit in 2021, beginning with the introduction of Cyberdyne’s Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) and cybernic technology. Their mission is to help clients unlock new possibilities…

Sonia Marshall

Sonia Marshall has a 30-year career in NSW Health, starting as an ICU nurse at Griffith Base Hospital, before working in a range leadership roles in rural, regional and urban settings. She joined South Western Sydney Local District in 2016 as Director Nursing, Midwifery and Performance, where she focused on transforming care and experiences for…

Professor Les Bokey

Professor Les Bokey AM., M.S., F. R.A.C.S., F.R.C.S. (Glas.) (Hon.) is Foundation Professor of Surgery and Clinical Dean, Western Sydney University at Liverpool Hospital. He is the Director of Research for the South Western Sydney Local Health District, Institute Director at The Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research amd Director of Surgery at Liverpool Hospital.…

Rachel Norris

Rachel Norris is the Manager of Strategic Projects and Planning at South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD). In her role, Rachel provides leadership in the development and implementation of strategic initiatives that align with the district’s long-term goals. Having worked as a Physiotherapist in the District for over 8 years and with a strong…

Dr Hao Tran

Dr Hao Tran completed his training in internal medicine and advanced training in cardiology at Liverpool, Concord and Nepean Hospitals. He is currently a University of Sydney PhD candidate in the fields of advanced cardiac imaging (photo-capture CT-scans and 4D flow cardiac MRI), artificial intelligence and deep phenotyping. He is the Cardiology Innovation Fellow and…

Nevenka Francis

Nevenka Francis has spent the last several years as the District Trauma Clinical Nurse Consultant, with extensive clinical background in emergency and intensive care. She holds a postgraduate certificate in Intensive Care and a Master’s in Public Health, and has recently transitioned into a new role as the District Injury Prevention Clinical Nurse Consultant. Nevenka…

Brendan Worne

Brendan Worne has dual professional background in physiotherapy and exercise science, with over 10 years of experience in assistive technology (AT) to support people with a disability. He is a clinician and manager of the Assistive Technology Hub at the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research. The Assistive Technology Hub’s goal is to drive AT…